Playing Dead 2014

Whaaaaaaaaaat no new blog post since April?  Yes, I'm afraid so you guys!!

I've spent some time on a collection of creative ideas on why I've not updated recently.  And I've come up with some rather good ones... and here they are:

1.  I was playing dead.
2.  I've confessed to writers block recently.
3.  I've been updating our blog faithfully every month.. like.. in my mind...
4.  And then there's the ugly and totally unexciting truth...

So without all the blah di blah and yada yada's...  We've had an insanely busy few months and hand in hand with that seems to go my not so diligent administrative skill.  So without any further a due I give to you my sincerest apologies!!

Here's but a few highlights of our past few months...

On a ministry level:

We've had the opportunity to work alongside our small town's famous bible-club (for kids).  Seeing as children's ministry awaits us in the nearby future in Bangkok, we've decided to make ourselves useful in lending a helping hand in the weekly kindergarten and Sunday morning plays, games, stories etc.

But most exciting by far is Johan's very first sermon at our local church on Discipleship.  It was a big hit and we've received very positive feedback...  It was so great to finally see his God-given teaching skills come into play.

At our local church I'm also serving in the Decor department and had the immense pleasure of putting together the mothers-day table and gifts....

And a few months later the fathersday table as well...

On a project level:

We decided that the Church's notice board on the corner of Cornelis and Rooth street needs a facelift.  Although I've made some progress already.... I'm only going to post the "after" picture when I'm all done, so watch this space!!!!! In the meantime, here's the "before" picture.

On a creative/ fun level:

My brother and his family recently moved to a new house in desperate need of some tlc....  So far we gave the entrance hall new life and revamped the girl's rooms.  It was the first time in my life that I sowed, painted and reorganized with such pleasure..... ahhh bliss....

All this revamping and designing has got all the creative juices flowing and so I decided to take up watercolor painting... it was soooooooooo much fun regardless of all the mistakes... haha!!  Here's my completed first attempt and the second in coming....

On a social level:

We are ecstatic with the arrival of the newest member of our family.... Isak!!  The first boy on the van Wyk side of the family...

On a scary level:

One of our friends who went to mission school with us last year got married and asked me to play some solo pieces.... My first ever open air solo performance.... It was HORRIFIC... by far scarier than any ride at Gold Reef City... and I played the vibrato unintentionally.. if you catch my drift!!!

Well that's all the fun stuff I have for you at the moment.  But please remember to visit our prayer request page as well....

I hope the rest of July treats you with warmth and
