Me and Johan have been attending The Nations Course by WOI (World Outreach International) for the past 3 and a half weeks. They are focused on the least reached people groups of the world, they train and equip new as well as experienced missionaries. The course was designed by Dr Kevin Hovey, who did his 2 year masters degree in missiology and fitted it into a 6 week training program, needless to point out how intense our training is. We are truly grateful for this opportunity, and we definitely recommend this course for all would be missionaries.
The facilitators are veteran missionaries and most of them serve on the board of directors of WOI. We are joined by 13 other trainees, some of which have been in the mission field for over 10 years. We are a wonderfully cross cultural group (10 different nationalities) and we've made very special friends!! We are so inspired by the stories of these remarkable people and the great difficulties they have to go through for the sake of the gospel, yet they persevere in faithfulness, with smiles on their faces!!! They don't let anything stand in their way of GOING.... not one thing!!!
Like this amazing couple, Kia and Jan Rossler with their 4 children. They are German and have spent 7 years in training and preparation for going as pioneer missionaries to Mozambique, 1 of these years they spent in Portugal for language learning (Portuguese). You might think they have wasted so much time in preparation, but it is actually highly recommended by experienced missionaries. Although their circumstances in Mozambique is EXTREMELY difficult, they responded faithfully to God's call and serve Him with joyful hearts!!
Kia and me (Sorry I don't have a family photo of them yet, Jan is the man in blue behind Kia).
This photo of their children: Sarah, Jakob, Timo and Janika was taken when me and Johan baby sitted them so their parents can have their first date night in 10 years. . . Note that only the eldest can understand English about as much as we understand German.... haha!! We had a great time!!
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